Of Differences and Similarities

Of Differences and Similarities

Like Comfort in a mug
A little improbable but not impossible.....

I've always said February is for withdrawals and procrastinations. Just like last year, I didn't journal and I'm late in posting this review. why? I can't give a reasonable explanation except maybe that Febraury should be synonymous with melancholy. So how do I plan on gathering the sea of images I call memory? Well, I'm going to use google photos and snapchat to try and remember most of the things that went on in February. Without going to my apps, I remember february like a blur of being in bed crocheting and stretching out every social bone the same as any other New year withdrawal month, but we're not relying on my selective emotional memory, So...

The first week, we had my mum's birthday, it was a really normal day because birthdays are not usually a big deal around these parts (my home šŸ™ƒ).The highlight of the week was my completion of A Thousand Splendid Suns which was sorrow on pages. I woke up on the morning of the 6th and engaged my inner bookworm to complete it and get in my feelings. Mariam was a sad character that lived her life for others till the end and given what the world has become I'm sure there are lots of Mariams out there, voiceless and alone. The effects of the book stayed with me for a while. I decided to pick up a new book called The Incredible Dreams of Garba Dakaskus and from the first page, I can see it has a unique writing style, sort of like a journal written in another world where the senseless makes sense.

The rest of the days leading up to my friend's wedding were packed with preps and tying loose ends for the events, especially the one we planned with no help from family. I spent over 5 hours on pre henna (The only beauty is pain hill I'm willing to die on) before going for the actual henna event. In conclusion, we danced, talked, partied, travelled and had a wonderful time during the week on Valentine. It's funny how writing this feels abridged but according to my memory guide, the pictures from these days took up most of my February backlog. Still talking about events, preparations for international women's day have officially started across several communities I'm a member of. Hopefully most events happen after Ramamdan so I can attend as many as I can. Putting aside events, Preparations for Ramadan were also ongoing, which included market days and schedule drafts.

On the school side of things, I was finally able to complete the coding aspect of my project and can now focus on the writing and narrations and everything in between. My current draft was heavily criticised by my supervisor. --Random but: You guys won't know how many typos I have writing this, Thank God for google docs and gemini-- It was kind of annoying to have all my hardwork dismissed but academia has always been like that and there's nothing I can do about it. My goal is to get approval of everything before the end of the second quarter. I'll let you now in June's recap, In Sha Allah.

My knitting/crocheting hobby has been going great, it's wonky and a little all over the place but that's my new favorite hobby. I completed a baby blanket, 2 beanies and Iā€™m currently working on a blanket for myself in mismatched colors while harboring plans for a sweater for muffin. I also tried out following crochet diagrams and they're surprisingly straightforward. I want to start making crochet flowers but I'll hold off on that until my blanket is complete or I find myself at the yarn store.

I spent the last days of February collecting packages, 2 of which put a massive smile on my face, attending a different sort of social tech event and catching up with people I haven't seen in a long while. Also my hybrid days are back and right in Ramadan no less.

I wouldn't say this month was unique on the surface but once I zoom in, a whole lot, there are days it didn't look like melancholy, this MARCH SCENTED FEBRUARY.

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