When We Were Fireflies

Abubakar Adan Ibrahim

When We Were Fireflies


When brooding artist, Yarima Lalo, encounters a moving train for the first time, two serendipitous events occur. First, it triggers memories of past lives in which he was twice murdered—once on a train. He also meets Aziza, a woman with a complicated past of her own, who becomes key to helping him understand what he is experiencing. With a third death in his current life imminent, together they go hunting for remnants of his past lives. Will they find evidence that he is losing his mind or the people who once loved or loathed him?


Despite the warnings, I judged a book by it's cover and discovered a whole new world of african writers that don't focus on tragedy. Seeing this at my favorite bookstore, Roving Heights, I was curious because the title didn't give away any thing and it wasn't something I was used to for a Nigerian or an African book. So you can say "a captivating title" and "a description I didn't quite understand" piqued my interest and convinced me to get a book.

I didn't read it for a while but after reading Dreams and Assorted Nightmare, I fell in love with the authors style of writing which was closer to poetry and than just a narration; Like the stories my mum and grandmother told when I was young. It was a particularly great touch that all the sections were named after the colors of the rainbow which ties perfectly with the main character. I will recommend this to everyone. Also, I found it great that I was able to read a book with street names I could relate easily to.

This was the story of a man on his third life, on a quest to find out the details of his previous lives after suddenly getting the memories. It takes us on a journey of self discovery as the character holds on to the present while the past still haunts him. it has a beautiful mix of modern life and tradition with a sprinkle of the supernatural. After This, Abubakar has been added to my favorite African writers list.

By now you already know I love this book 🙃, Here are my favorite quotes found in the book.

"The sky takes on shades of orange during the sunrise and sunset,
the color that gives you hope that the sun will set only to rise again."
— Ram Charan

"Orange is red brought closer to humanity by Yellow."
— Wassily Kandinsky

"The garden of love is green without limits and yields many fruits other than sorrow or joy."
— Rumi

This was how the the saddest chapter in the book started

"The sight of an indigo sky was beautiful,
It was when darkness allowed light to shine for a while."
— Nimisha Toshniwal

Review date:27th August, 2023

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