Overcast and Summery
Longer days
Shorter nights
Extended delusions,
A day in June
There are five months that have a special place in my heart and it begins with June. Summer rains are normal here and I love it when it rains. I’ve always said that if you can make me angry while it’s raining, you are probably a very annoying person. June was cool with night or morning rains and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I spent most of the rainy days watching random clips, cliche romance comics and swoon worthy clips; because why not?
I’ll start with work, my tasks were on a strict deadline but most things went smoothly so I was able to complete them in time. There were some personal issues that almost brought me down and also some bugs that nearly made me throw my laptop but it’s June and the weather is cool so there was no catalyst for my anger. I’ll be taking two weeks off work for rest and to allow me to focus more on my school work which if I’m being honest I haven’t been serious with, I just hope I can follow the outline I set for myself before I resume work again.
Eid-al-Adha happened this month too and it was as uneventful as every other one since 2022. Since it’s the big Eid (as we often call it), there was lots of work on the first day that included cooking, frying and serving guests. By the end of the day I was tired and sleepy and definitely not in a festive mood. I spent the next morning reading a research paper which is what people that have nowhere to go on Eid do. Honestly, there’s nowhere here but I stepped out for cake and did a bit of socializing for 2 hours at a trade fair that happened (you know, to touch grass 😉). The best part was a visit from a friend, we stayed home and talked and that was it for Eid and its “celebrations”.
We are now at the half point mark for the year when most people begin to evaluate how the year is going so far. I tried that and let’s just say, I shall remain delulu for my own sanity at the moment 😌. This is also a form of self care, though I’ll love to make a half year resolution (elegant; I know). I tried to slow down this month, I stayed in bed when I had nothing to do and went out only when necessary and thus had very little social encounters. It’s important to note that I slept quite well this month. I’m always happy when I sleep loads. This made me remember reptiles and how slow they become during cold days and I started comparing myself to one though I never settled on what type I would be. The only cold day habit I left out was reading actual books, I haven’t read anything in weeks and largely due to distractions but also just laziness to commit. I plan on fixing that next month, let’s see if I can binge a series. I haven’t decided which one to binge yet but it’s between “The Shadow and Bone” series or Anne Rice’s “ Vampire Chronicles”, I guess we’ll find out by the recap of July. I also tried voicing my opinions more often and getting more in my feelings, it’s going okay so far.
Unlike most months, my thoughts don’t seem to be organized, I keep pausing and thinking so forgive me if it seems like I keep going back and forth. Maybe I really am a reptile because it seems my brain isn’t booting as fast as it usually does but then again, I’m writing this last minute unlike other months where I start making outlines early. Right, I’ve started thinking more seriously about knitting, I haven’t found a supply store but I also haven’t searched enough on instagram or even entered the market (I hate going to the market). Bringing back old hobbies kinda feel like meeting a friend from childhood and weirdly, knitting was a childhood hobby (I swear I was a fairly normal child 😅, I just really enjoyed knitting).
Overall, June was a quiet month where I slept, remembered old hobbies, voiced my opinions more often, ignored annoyances, snuggled contently in my favorite weather while having a Slow and Satisfying Couple of Weeks.